Lucy Was Right is a musical exploration of the harshness of life in modern society and the zeal for life it takes to overcome it all.  When we aren't mapping the darkest corners of human interaction we spend our time raising a menagerie of animals and children. 

Follow us on Social to keep up with our quest for global domination.


05.02 - The newest release from Lucy Was Right

Available everywhere.

Inner Light 

Irreverent Liar 

Our First Year

We are so grateful for the love and support we've received over the last year. We have a big year ahead of us and we hope to see as many of you as we can on the road, on the stage and in the crowd. 


Shay Zanna - Vocalist and Songwriter

Shay's obvious talent with her voice can overshadow the nuance and character she introduces into the lyrics and vocal melodies. She is the face, heart and soul of our songwriting team.

Joel Merriman - Drums and Production

Joel is the engine behind Lucy Was Right. His energy, drive and attention to detail gives our music all of it's texture and vibe. Joel takes thready ideas and spins them, layer by layer into what has become our sound. 

Quinten Higbee - Keyboard and Vocals

Quinten has so much range and talent as a musician. A natural performer with grace and flair. Quinten collaborates on everything from songwriting to production and stage tech.

Brenon Savell - Bass

Brenon is a stage junkie. Theater, music, public speaking, there is no fear. The Bass is an important element in our music and Brenon gives it the gravitas and delivery it deserves.  Also an avid chicken rancher.